July 02, 2012

The Festival

Hey Beer-Party-Peoples! So, we aren't sure you need an additional voice (or in our case voices) added to the pile of amazing recaps already out there for The Festival's festivities, but you are going to get it anyway. But before we begin, be sure you check out the other recaps that have been written, cause to be honest they are better than ours!

So anyways, as you all know (and have been spammed on Twitter about) we went to The Festival (hosted by Shelton Brothers & 12%)in Worcester, Mass this past weekend and in short - it was FREAKING AMAZING!

Shocker right? You are probably saying right now "but all beer festivals are amazing", and on some level that is a fact. But this festival was on a whole new level. The name pretty much sums up our opinion on the matter - "The Festival" was the festival, to be at.

We aren't strangers to amazing festivals at Living On A Beer Budget. We have attended several festivals where you get to taste some amazing beers, but our overall experience at The Festival was just something we had never had before. No lines, amazing beer after amazing beer (seriously, we did not try one beer that neither of us liked), good food options, beautiful location (Mechanics Hall is gorgeous), chill beer comrades, and just plain good times. Oh, and did we mention the fact we got to actually sit and chat with brewers? Well we did. I think that was the moment we both went a little beer-nerdy-crazy (oh and shout out to Brian Strumke for putting up with our little fanatic moment).

We aren't going to type out all the highlights here, because we pretty much went over them in the video...which you should be watching...right now....

In the video you will also get to see our review of a pretty amazing beer that we picked up at The Festival. Okay so we picked up our ticket for the beer at The Festival, but you get it! Westvleteren XII, by The Abbey of Saint Sixtus is a pretty hard to get, highly rated, spectacular Belgium beer and we got our grubby little hands on it (along with other festival goers). So just watch the video already to hear more about The Festival and Westvleteren XII!

Oh and here are a few links to some of the brewers / people we mention in the video:

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